Everything from the teacher’s demeanor to your child’s unwillingness to attend school is an indication of a poor preschool. Furthermore, a disorderly classroom and an unruly youngster also mean that the preschool teacher isn’t the best for the job. Finally, lack of personalized attention from the teacher is what contributes to your infant’s poor destiny because it has the most influence.

Undoubtedly, a preschool teacher has more influence on your child’s future than any other variable. Starting from self-esteem to the process of thinking is built here in preschool and is directed by the respective teacher.

As a guardian of your infant, you certainly want to give them a good preschool with good teachers to ensure memorable and productive toddlerhood. Therefore, we have come up with 12 bad signs that you should look out for in your kid’s preschool teacher.

Signs Of A Bad Preschool Teacher
Image from freepik

Importance Of A Good Preschool Teacher

Let’s start with why a good preschool instructor is crucial before we get into the indications. As a consequence, you obtain the missing points and accept the information seriously. So, what’s the big deal?

The cerebral cortex develops optimally at a critical period in the brain’s development throughout the first years of life. According to human brain studies, the early years of a child’s life are critical for their development and destiny.

Your child will undoubtedly spend a significant amount of time with instructors. As a result, having a competent teacher is essential for a child’s emotional, social, and personal development. When 3-year-olds connect with adults other than their parents, they form trusting relationships.

Similarly, effective classrooms are built based on committed instructors. Teachers who are enthusiastic about their jobs are excellent role models for young children. Enthusiasm produces innovation and creativity, two characteristics that allow children to love learning and achieve success.

12 Signs Of A Bad Preschool Teacher

It’s time to know about the essential signs that distinguish bad preschool teachers from good ones. You can be certain that if you come across these signs then it’s time to change the preschool or complain about the teacher to the authority.

1. Kid Trying to Avoid School

The first most visible sign that you will come across is your kid trying to avoid going to school as much as they can. Either they will cry or hold you tight giving you a sign that they don’t want to go there. You might think it as if they are just scared to interact with new ones but there’s certainly an overlooked reason behind it.

There is a chance that they are not liking how the teacher is treating them. They expect love and care from them as it is how they were raised till now. However, missing these things will only lead your child to a scary environment that they don’t want to visit.

Raising Voice on the Child
Image source Depositphotos

2. Raising Voice on the Child

Children are vulnerable, and even more so in their early days. Shouting at kids not only makes them less eager to learn but also demotivates them to continue going to school. Thus a teacher who does not understand to need to be caring towards the kids through their words is not suitable for preschool.

3. Lack of Required Accreditation For Teaching

One of the primary methods for assessing a teacher’s capacity is through their academic, training, or experience. Accreditation by any reference or teaching body, in general, is a superb identity for any preschool instructor. Similarly, judging their ability without the necessary authorization might be treacherous.

4. Inability to Provide Age-Specific Lessons

One of the fundamentals of teaching in a preschool is providing age-specific lectures. A teacher must understand the capabilities of the age group they are teaching and should prepare lessons accordingly. Not having the expertise to do so is a major sign of them not being fit to teach.

5. Blaming the Parents or Kids for Incomplete Assignments

A good preschool teacher would be proactive when the kids don’t complete their assignments. They shouldn’t play any blame game as it will indicate their incompetence. Instead, they should seek the parents’ assistance and tell them the best ways to complete the assignments within the deadlines.

Read: What Degree Do You Need to be a Preschool Teacher?

6. Not Complying With School or District Regulations

All teachers, including preschool teachers, should adhere to the policies and rules created by their school or district. A teacher who doesn’t comply with the school or district regulations can be considered a bad teacher.

Some of these regulations could be maintaining the right dress code and other professional attributes (e.g., not wearing denim in class), adopting a new curriculum accordingly, governing punctuality, maintaining ethics, etc.

7. Infrequent Assessment or Engagement

Preschool teachers need to closely look at the student’s progress and take frequent assessments in an appropriate form to make sure they’re learning what’s being taught. If you see the teacher is not consulting about your kid’s progress, it can mean they’re not taking assessments properly, which is a sign of incompetence for the teacher.

8. Unkempt Classroom

Maintaining a tidy and ordered atmosphere is a key aspect of teaching. This not only makes the school day run well, but it also protects the kids. If your toddler’s preschool is chaotic, it reflects poorly on the dedication and competence of the teacher.

When you first visit a preschool, pay special attention to how the classroom is set up and whether it is appropriate for toddlers.

9. Distracted By Technology

Yes, we all are distracted by technology nowadays, but preschool teachers are the last ones that should be. Preschool teachers who spend all of their time on their phones or tablets rather than interacting with the kids are ineffective. This demonstrates a lack of concern for the kids and their growth.

Additionally, it conveys that the teacher is more focused on their gadgets than on the learners. This kind of environment does not promote growth and learning.

10. Teacher Showing a Lack of Care

A big warning sign is if the preschool teacher doesn’t seem to care about the kids in their care. Maybe they don’t support your child when they fall, or maybe they don’t get in touch with you when your toddler needs a fresh set of clothes after becoming soiled.

The most important thing to keep in mind is to trust your instincts if they are telling you that anything is wrong with the teacher. Contact the teacher’s supervisor if any pressing issues need to be resolved.

However, if you merely believe that the teacher isn’t a good fit for your toddler, consider finding a different preschool.

11. Take Other Parent’s Opinions In Count

You might have heard from other parents that a specific teacher is not up to scratch. However, ignoring these opinions is what most guardians do and you should certainly take them into count. They have no benefit from lying about a certain teacher but rather want good for you and your child.

The only reason why they are telling you this is because the other parents have noticed things that you haven’t. Therefore, do a checkup on that teacher and trust your instincts.

12. Lack Of Positive Feedback

A terrible preschool teacher is one who never praises or provides constructive criticism to their learners. For young children who are just learning and making an effort, this lack of support can be very frustrating.

On the other hand, a good preschool teacher would frequently offer compliments and praise to assist their youngsters in feeling inspired and self-assured.

Related: Parent Involvement Activities Ideas for Preschool

Inspect the Traits of Your Kid’s Preschool Teacher Yourself

There are certain characteristics or qualities in a teacher that will give you clues about a good and bad teacher. To do this, a little interaction once a month is all you need to connect the dots out of the clues that the teacher left. So let’s look into detail.

Interact More to Understand the Teacher

While it may sound fundamental but it’s not as simple as you think. The first thing you would want to see in a good teacher is how they interact with all the toddlers in the class.

If you come across a happy classroom where all the kids are paying attention as well as interacting with him/her then it’s a good sign. Your kid will go along as well.

On the other hand, some general questions such as ‘what do you do on a regular day’ can open up many scopes for knowing the teacher better. Additionally, the replies you will get lead to the teacher’s communication skills.

Attend Meetings

Don’t get defensive when a teacher asks for a meeting. You might be wondering why the teacher wants to talk to you when he/she’s been there to take care of your kid. Moreover, why does the teacher needs to talk to a toddler’s parents?

Well, it’s a good sign if the teacher asks you for meetings. It shows that the teacher is concerned about your kid and wants to let you know how things are going. Yet, do keep checking whether the meetings that are being held with you are personalized or not. There is a chance that they are doing it for courtesy’s sake.

On the other hand, if you hesitate to go to a meeting then the teacher might not feel comfortable calling you the next time. As a result, you are missing all the updates that you should have been getting.

Respond If the Teacher Wants To Build A Connection

The teacher wanting to build a connection with you is also a trait of a good preschool teacher. It shows that they are interested in your child’s future and want to help you get through it.

For the same reason, they must be direct and open about the child; connection matters. So, the next time you see a teacher trying to build a relationship with you, don’t move south. Overall, be able to work together as a team.


Now you know the signs of a bad preschool teacher. One thing that we ask you not to do is overlook the significance of a bad teacher. While a good one can make your child grow into a gem, a bad teacher will only lead the kid to low self-esteem and a lack of focus.

Furthermore, human brain experts have verified the importance of early growth. As a result, it is your responsibility as a guardian to guarantee that these six symptoms do not occur around your child for a brighter future.

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