How To Ask A Teacher For Extra Credit: 13 Proven Tips

Requesting extra credit can be daunting, especially if you have missed an assignment or your grades are not great. However, by taking the proper approach, like,

  • By making an appointment, asking respectfully to your teacher
  • A proper explanation for getting the extra credits, being courteous, etc., can increase your chances of receiving extra credit and improving your grades.

It is critical to understand that extra credit is not a surefire way to improve your grade, but it can certainly help. Remember that extra credit is usually given at the teacher’s discretion, and they may not always be willing to give it.

However, if you approach the situation correctly, you will increase your chances of receiving the extra credit you require. This article will look at the best times to ask for extra credit, what to say and how to follow up.

How To Ask A Teacher For Extra Credit
image source: Freepik

How To Ask A Teacher For Extra Credit

When requesting extra credit, ensure you approach your teacher respectfully and professionally. Here are some pointers on how to request extra credit:

1. Recognize the teacher’s policy

Before requesting additional credit, understand the teacher’s extra credit policy. Some teachers may not give any extra credit. Others may have clear standards for what type of additional credit is given and how it is gained.

Knowing the teacher’s policy will allow you to make a better-educated request.

2. Make an appointment with your teacher

Don’t approach them before or after class because they might be too busy to talk. Instead, make an appointment to meet with them during their office hours. Also, meeting with the teacher in person is preferable because an email can be easily dismissed.

3. Timing

It’s best to request extra credit when the semester or quarter is still in its early stages. Because this gives you more time to complete the extra credit and improve your grade.

When you ask for extra credit later in the semester, it may appear that you’re only doing so because you’re struggling with your grade.

4. Explain why you require additional credit

Providing a valid reason for missing class or failing to complete an assignment is critical when requesting additional credit. Being sick or experiencing a family emergency are examples of this.

In these instances, your teacher may be more understanding and willing to give you extra credit to compensate for missed work.

It is beneficial to have proof, such as a doctor’s letter or a job schedule, to substantiate your absence from class. When requesting extra credit, be honest about your circumstances and explain how it will help you understand the content effectively.

You may say, “I recognize that additional credit isn’t usually given, but I could not attend class due to a family emergency. I would be grateful for the opportunity to make up for the missing work through extra credit so that I can completely comprehend the content.”

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5. Be courteous

You are requesting that the teacher add more work to their schedule. As a result, you must approach your teacher with respect and deference, as this will determine whether or not to approve your request.

For example, “Thank you for scheduling a meeting with me. I understand your schedule is full, and I want to thank you for taking the time to see me. I have a request, and I recognize that it will increase your workload, but my reason for asking is valid and vital.”

6. Following up

Ensure to follow up with the teacher once you’ve requested extra credit. One example is checking in with the teacher to verify whether they have gotten your request and if they have had a chance to review it.

Following up demonstrates that you are serious about gaining extra credit and are prepared to go above and beyond to improve your grade.

7. Do not nag your teacher

Your problems are not always the teacher’s problems, so keep that in mind before you make asking for extra credit a habit. You can ask once or twice, but not daily.

improve grade
Image credit: Freepik

8. Prepare yourself

Ensure you understand the class material and your current grade before requesting extra credit. This will demonstrate to your teacher that you are taking the class seriously and are willing to go above and beyond to improve your grade.

9. Be open to various types of extra credit

Because not all teachers will offer the same types of extra credit, it is critical to be open to new possibilities. Some teachers, for example, may give extra credit for attending class, whereas others may offer extra credit for completing additional assignments.

10. Make the most of opportunities

Take advantage of any extra credit possibilities your teacher may provide during class, such as bonus questions or extra tasks. These chances allow you to gain additional credit without asking your teacher for it, and they can help you improve your grade.

11. Demonstrate initiative

When requesting additional credit, it is critical to demonstrate that you are taking the initiative and are prepared to go above and beyond to improve your mark.

Volunteering to take on extra tasks in class, such as leading a group project or completing additional homework outside of class, could be examples of this.

12. Show your gratitude

Remember to thank your teacher for taking the time to consider your request for extra credit.

13. Be ready for a no

Even if you follow the advice above, your teacher may refuse your extra credit request. It’s vital to realize that teachers have a lot of pupils and may not have the time or resources to give everyone extra credit.

If your teacher says no, try not to take it personally and use it as a learning opportunity to help you do better in class.

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How To Avoid Needing Extra Credit

As we have seen, a teacher might only sometimes give extra credit. So, here is what you can do to avoid asking for extra credit in the first place.

1. Stay organized

Unorganized students are one of the primary causes of falling behind in school. Keeping track of assignments, due dates, and upcoming exams can be overwhelming, but there are ways to stay organized.

Set reminders on your phone or use a digital tool like Google Calendar to stay on your schedule.

Take notes
Image source: Freepik

2. Take notes

Taking notes in class is an excellent way to remain engaged and retain the material. Additionally, it is an excellent method for reviewing material before a test or quiz.

Ensure that you take notes in a manner that works for you, whether you prefer typing or writing.

3. Ask for help

If you need help comprehending a concept or completing an assignment, feel free to ask for assistance. Your teacher can be an invaluable resource.

They can provide additional clarifications and illustrations to help you comprehend the material.

4. Establish a study schedule

Set aside weekly time to review your notes, complete your assignments, and prepare for upcoming exams. Include breaks and time for other activities to maintain your motivation.

6. Don’t procrastinate

When you procrastinate, you increase your likelihood of falling behind and needing extra credit. Instead, immediately begin working on assignments and projects after they are assigned. This will allow you to stay on top of your work and avoid stress at the last minute.

7. Participate in class

Participating in class is a great way to demonstrate to your instructor that you are interested in the class and helps you remain engaged.

It’s also a fantastic way to ask questions and receive additional clarifications when uncertain about something. Additionally, class participation can be used to earn bonus points.

8. Stay on top of your grades

Check your grades frequently and address any issues immediately. This will assist you in keeping up with your work and staying caught up.


Here are other questions that you might have.

Q1: What is a good reason to ask for extra credit?

A work or family emergency that prevented you from completing an assignment are good reasons to request extra credit. It is essential to be truthful and to have a valid reason for your request.

Q2: Can I request extra credit at any point?

You should request extra credit as soon as you realize you may require it. Some instructors may not award extra credit after the term or semester. In addition, if you request extra credit too late, your instructor may not have the time or resources to accommodate your request.

Q3: How can I determine if my teacher offers extra credit?

Some instructors may have posted a policy or set of guidelines for extra credit on their syllabus or website. If you are uncertain, ask your teacher to clarify their extra credit policy.


Extra credit can be an excellent way to improve your grades, but you must know how to request it.

You can increase your chances of receiving the extra credit you require by approaching your teacher respectfully and professionally, being well-prepared, and understanding the course material.

Moreover, timing is crucial when requesting extra credit, and it is best to do so early in the semester or quarter. With the proper strategy and preparation, you can increase your chances of earning the extra credit necessary to improve your grade.

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