Five common mistakes people make in a job interview

Be scheduled for an interview after joining a job means being a step closer to a next career change. How the person to unfold during the process can mean the difference between getting the job and not be successful. Here we prepared a list with the five most frequent errors of the professionals in search of employment:

Job interview mistake

Do not research the company in depth. It is very important to speak confidently and in an intelligent way about to what one dedicates the company. It must have specific information, including its history, financial status, mission and products/services, the market in which it operates and its major competitors.

Do not be specific in the answers. It is more than likely that the interviewer ask about the reasons why you want the position or work for their company or organization. When the interviewer do this type of questions, he has to answer concisely and not talk in general terms about why he want to get a job in this sector or area. It should show enthusiasm and speak specifically on aspects that are attractive to the company as its products or reputation, or the main responsibilities of the position.

Do not prepare the CV in detail. One should not assume that just because the information is in a resume, the interviewers will ask questions about the career, including the responsibilities of previous work and learning that has been obtained from them. The key is making sure to relate the achievements of the job for which you are being interviewed and dominate dates.

Criticizing companies or previous jobs. No matter how tempting it is, it is not appropriate to make derogatory comments about the company and/or current boss, or with whom you have worked in the past. The interviewer is not going to get to know thoroughly the background that led to this disagreement, and also the situation can give rise to awkward questions. Instead, the conversation has to focus on positive aspects of the career.

Being too close during the interview. He must not fall into the trap of being too close. An interview is one of the more formal work situations in which a professional will find. To prove be a relative and to joke rarely help to get the job. It is important to be friendly, pleasant and demonstrate interpersonal skills that are possessed, but he has to be professional at all times, even when he feels he has entering into a relationship with the interviewer.

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