6 Keys to build a resume that attracts attention

This time we’ll show six suggestions to draft and improve your resume:

1. The resume should be visually appealing
The document must be neat and uniform. Chose a discrete source using a single font size and do not include too many colors. It will also be convenient to divide the data into sections, such as training, work experience, language and professional references.

improve your resume

2. Be universal understanding
In the first paragraph have to include your professional purpose, i.e., the reason why you are applying for that job, such as “I’m looking for a professional development that has to do with …”. In this way, the recruiter will have the certainty that you’re the right person for the job.

Also, remember that you have to write it thinking specifically of that position and you should not use the same for all employment proposals. Using a predetermined curriculum can be very comfortable, but also very risky because it will be more impersonal.

3. Let your CV stand your value
Tells your work experience and excluded periods while you were unemployed. If you hesitated between jobs in a short period of time, avoids mentioning because the recruiter may feel insecure about your performance and prefer to hire someone more stable.

4. Keep it short
The curriculum does not exceed a facet of extension. The recruiters spend as only six seconds to review resumes, therefore, should not big with too many words.

5. Be honest
The honesty is one of the essential components of a great resume. Before writing a lie, think how you would feel if discover. What would you do if you’re asked to tell your experience in this important company, where certainly not labored, or say a few phrases in Chinese, a language completely really you not know? Save yourself the discomfort and stick to include factual information.

6. That is up to date
It is important that your resume is up to date, even if you have a fixed position and do not plan to change jobs.

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