Whether it’s because you’re a college student and you want to have more free time, or because studying for a master’s degree while you work, you will surely be interested to know how to study quickly and effectively. Here we present you 7 tips that you can implement.

study faster

Bring the grounded concepts

Some of the most difficult concepts to study are those of abstract character. The way to incorporate is “bringing them to earth”. To do this we must work to create images in our minds of what we read the more real and related to the information we can.

Then when it’s time to explain the concept during an exam question, you’ll remember the image that you designed while you were studying and the information will soon arrive.

Play making skill to be a teacher

Do you have a smaller brother? Or maybe parents or a grandmother with time at your disposal? Well, in front of which people to listen to you and explain to them the topic that you learned.

As they surely do not know everything, they can ask you questions and consult you with any questions you can think of. It is a good exercise to test how much you know about what you studied.

Pay attention to your questions

To read the full text, you probably encounter any kind of doubts. The worst thing you can do is go ahead and ignore them. If you do this, when you reach the end of the text have more questions and waste time going over them.

So listens to every question that comes to mind, and once you understand, go ahead.

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Use metaphors

Do you have in front of a mega-complicated concept? Try creating metaphors comparing a complex idea with a simpler idea.

For example, if the topic is on the neurons of the brain, imagine the same concept but talking about the parts of a computer, or something that you feel comfortable. By creating metaphors comparing ideas with information you already know, it will be easier to understand.

Learn to link concepts

Once you have already understood each new concept, is time that as well as explain them separately, you can check them against each other.

Surely this is part of the exercise that forces you to do during the test or exam. So it is better to practice it before, from the comfort of your home.

Do not settle for a single source

As journalists, you never conform to a single source of information. If you sent studying a textbook, go to the library or Internet searches the works of other authors on the same subject.

It will help to have a broader idea of the concepts and create new metaphors and useful connections. Perhaps a author explains it in a way that it is easiest for you to understand than other.

Do not pretend to know everything at the last minute

A big mistake is to include many students comment the day before the test and study day. Nerves, anxiety and other factors will harm in trying. That is why it is better to study everything before, leaving the day before the exam to review concepts.

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