Borders are an increasingly archaic concept. The physical and the cultural. Western and Asian societies strengthen ties, feed each other. It affects you when it comes to your exams. After understanding what the Kaizen Method is and how to apply this Japanese technique to your studies, it will become clearer to you.

Being more exact, what the Kaizen Method really implies goes beyond the strict concept of study technique. It is, like almost everything that comes from the Eastern world, a philosophy of life, a system of good practices. Draw your own conclusions after know it!

kaizen method for studying

What is the Kaizen method?

To get into the matter, you are interested to know that the Kaizen Method is also known as the “The one-minute principle”. Another good clue comes from the Japanese term “kaizen”, which is none other than it means “improvement or beneficial change”. Sounds good to you?

So that you understand it quickly, this method is the opposite face of the approach that we all make at the beginning of the year: I’m going to go to the gym, I quit smoking, I change jobs… All great goals that involve enormous changes in our lives.

The Kaizen Method is based, on the contrary, on the small but continuous details. That is, achieving goals with simple actions that you carry out continuously, without interruptions.

This way of facing challenges prevents, above all, that you fall apart at the first failure or unforeseen event. It is more effective in the long term because it eliminates the risk of demotivation, probably the most frequent cause of abandoning our projects and goals, and it helps you improve concentration when studying and production.

Check also: characteristics of an osmosis learning method

How to apply kaizen method for studying

The Kaizen Method is giving such good results that it is spreading as a work philosophy to large and small companies. How could it not work for you if you incorporate it into your study techniques!

The Kaizen method is also known as the “Japanese one minute technique”. It is so called because what it proposes is that, every time you undertake a new task, you start practicing it every day at the same time for about a minute.

It may seem a little weird at first, but it’s all about “tricking” your brain. With this simple gesture, you effortlessly incorporate this new activity into your routine. Your mind does not perceive it as a challenge and quickly automates it as a habit. Neither laziness nor negative thoughts, because we have assimilated this task as something affordable and appealing.

Applying it to your studies is not complicated. It is about winning the game against reluctance and apathy. You don’t need to take the minute at face value.

Keys to apply the Kaizen Method in your life as a student

The keys to apply the Kaizen Method to the study are:

  • Analyze at what times of the day you perform best studying.
  • Set a time to start each day. It is essential that you strictly comply with that study schedule at the beginning because it is about establishing a routine.
  • Organize your study calendar with certain times. The first week put a short period, for example 20 minutes. Progressively increase 20 minutes per week. It is an indicative time; you can put something more or less, as you see it. The important thing is that you start with a small amount, keep it fixed for a few days and increase it reasonably.
  • Congratulate yourself when you achieve the goal. Nothing is more useful to strengthen our motivation than a compliment earned for a job well done.

Undoubtedly, this information about the Kaizen method and how to apply this Japanese technique to your studies has opened up other perspectives for you to face this time of effort. The reward is within your reach!

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