How to Get a 170 on the LSAT? [Explain Complete Strategies]

Are you ready to take your legal career aspirations to the next level? Then, it’s your time to score 170 or higher to win the LSAT competition.

You need to work hard, master logical reasoning with regular practice, understand and comprehend different articles for the reading section and develop analytical reasoning and ability through game templates, finding ways to attack opponents. Also, you can do well in the writing section through continuous practice, understanding prompts and know the art to write precisely.

In short, you can achieve a perfect 170 on LSAT by performing better in all four parts. It is all about practice, concentration, and confidence in doing so.

LSAT Exam Preparation
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Brief Overview of LSAT Exam & Scoring

The Law School Admission Test (LSAT) is a decisive step to attending law school in the US, Canada, and other countries. In this test, a high score can significantly increase your chances of attending a top-tier law school.

The LSAT consists of multiple-choice questions and a writing sample. It is divided into four sections:

  • Logical Reasoning
  • Analytical Reasoning (Logic Games)
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Writing Sample (Experimental Section or Unscored Section).

The LSAT uses a unique scoring system (120-180). You can earn points by providing each correct answer to the questions. But you will not get penalized for incorrect answers.

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How to Get a 170 on the LSAT: The Strategies

Did you aim for 170 or higher marks in LSAT? It’s a gigantic task that requires you to concentrate on all the four sections of the exam. So, we will discuss the top techniques you can opt for doing well in each section.

Mastering Logical Reasoning

You should familiarize yourself first with different argument areas. They can be premises, conclusions, and supporting evidence. Also, identify the main point and any assumptions or flaws within the argument. Through this, you can approach each question logically.

The first thing you should do is to thoughly recognize the question types. Any examinee or test taker may find Logical Reasoning questions in versatile flavors. Usually, these flavors are Strengthen, Weaken, Assumption, Inference, and others. You should develop the ability to recognize question types quickly to navigate through the questions more efficiently.

Besides understanding the question types, you must also develop your critical thinking ability. If you are a good critical thinker, you may do great in Logical Reasoning.

For this, you must sharpen the ability to evaluate arguments, spot logical fallacies, and detect flaws in reasoning. In this case, you may practice dissecting statements and identifying their strengths and weaknesses.

Moreover, You should read each stimulus carefully and thoroughly, encountering Logical Reasoning questions. Again, stay attentive to the details, key terms, and relationships between ideas. Evaluate each answer choice systematically after analyzing the stimulus.

Next, you need to practice with authentic LSAT questions from past exams to master Logical Reasoning. Then, analyze your performance, track your progress, and identify areas for improvement.

Finally, you should review and learn from your mistakes. For this, you must review your mistakes and understand why the correct answer is the best choice. Also, identify recurring patterns in your errors and strengthen your understanding.

Conquering Analytical Reasoning (Logic Games)

Analytical Reasoning is also known as Logic Games. You may find various LSAT logic games like Ordering, Grouping, and Combination. So, you should understand the rules and constraints of these games.

Effectively demonstrating the relationships and constraints within each game provides a visual aid. It simplifies complex scenarios. So, develop a system of symbols, notations, and diagrams that work best for you.

Plus, logic Games often contain hidden clues and inferences. They can lead you to valuable deductions. So, train your mind to spot these inferences. Then, make logical deductions based on the given information to unlock additional information.

You must also establish an effective order of attacking the logical sections. Each Logic Games section contains multiple games.

Establishing a strategic attack order can save you time and boost your confidence. In this case, you can start with more straightforward games. Also, prioritize games that allow you to make early deductions and progress quickly.

Furthermore, you must learn to manage the time. Like logical reasoning, you should be aware of using time. You must complete each game within a specified time frame. During practice, set strict time limits for each game to simulate test conditions.

Lastly, game templates act as a framework to guide your solution process. For specific game types, develop reusable templates to adapt to various scenarios. These templates serve as a starting point to quickly apply your diagramming skills.

Mastering Reading Comprehension

Enhancing your reading skills and employing effective strategies will help you master this section. For this, start by approaching each passage with an active reading mindset.

  • Active Reading and Annotation: Engage with the text by underlining essential information, circling important details, and jotting down brief notes or summaries. Also, focus and retain information and quickly locate relevant details when answering questions through annotation.
  • Grasp the Main Idea: Identify the central argument of each passage and understand the author’s purpose. Then, develop the ability to distinguish between main ideas and supporting details.
  • Recognize Passage Structures: There are some common passage structures like cause-effect, compare-contrast, or problem-solution.
  • Skim and Scan Strategically: You may practice skimming passages to get a general sense of the content, organization, and tone. Then, scan the passage for specific details and keywords relevant to the questions.
  • Practice Active Passage Mapping: Create a visual representation of the passage structure. You can do it by mapping out the main ideas, supporting details, and relationships between them.

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Developing Writing Skills for the LSAT

Strong writing skills are crucial for success in the LSAT Writing section. It requires you to craft a persuasive argument within a limited time frame.

  1. Understand the Prompt and Task: Carefully read and understand the prompt and task before writing. Also, identify the central issue presented and the specific instructions to follow.
  2. Develop a Strong Thesis Statement: Craft a concise thesis statement presenting your main argument or position on the issue. Your thesis statement should clearly express your stance and set the tone for your response.
  3. Support Your Claims with Evidence: Back up the made-up claims or arguments with relevant evidence. Also, draw upon real-world examples, logical reasoning, and facts to support your points.
  4. Use Effective Paragraph Structure: Start each paragraph with a clear topic sentence that introduces the main point. As well as support the topic sentence with evidence and examples. Remember to ensure a smooth transition between paragraphs.
  5. Proofread and Revise: Check for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. Then, revise your writing to refine your arguments, strengthen your evidence, and improve the overall quality of your response.

Additional Suggestions to Score a 170 on the LSAT

LSAT is a time-sensitive exam. So, time yourself to complete each question within the allotted time during practice sessions.

Carefully review questions you answered incorrectly in practice sessions. Understand the reasons behind your mistakes, whether due to misinterpretation, rushing, or overlooking key details.

Seek peer, mentor, or writing professional feedback to enhance your writing skills. You may share your practice responses with others and ask for their input.

Next, actively incorporate constructive criticism from these people—also, practice incorporating different writing techniques and styles.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to get a 170 on LSAT?

Experts suggest aiming for at least 250 to 300 hours of LSAT preparation. Besides, studying 20-25 hours a week will take 3-4 months to be ready for the test.

How many questions do I have to get right to get a 170 on LSAT?

You can get 170 on LSAT by correctly answering 90 out of 101 questions.

Who got a perfect LSAT score?

Only 119 of around 60000 test-takers got 180 in LSAT 2022 exam, according to the Law School Admission Council (LSAC).

Final Words

As a law school aspirant, you should invest your time and effort by practicing, concentrating, and cultivating confidence. It will surely help you secure a top-tier law school seat. Also, you can move closer to your legal career aspirations.

Never forget the LSAT test is a game of dedication, perseverance, and a strategic approach discussed in this blog. Try to follow the strategies I have shared with you and practice more effectively.

Thanks, and wishes for your best achievement in LSAT.

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